Tuesday, October 18, 2011

53 Degrees This Morning In Texas While I Think About Occupying Wall Street & Downtown Fort Worth

The sun is just starting to bring light to this dark spot on the planet on the morning of the 18th day of October.

At some point in time after the sun stopped its lighting duties for the day strong winds arrived, soon followed by lightning, thunder and rain.

And cold.

It is only 53 degrees at my location right now.

Switching subjects from being cold to Wall Street.

I really don't get the whole Occupy Wall Street thing. And other towns being occupied. What do these occupiers want to happen that they really think can happen. Judging be the HUGE numbers of occupiers they must be convinced something can come of all that bother.

And then this morning I was reading my old hometown newspaper, the Skagit Valley Herald, to learn that little Mount Vernon has been occupied. I'd been reading about Seattle being occupied by thousands of occupiers, but Sunday was the first time Mount Vernon got occupied.

A blurb from the Skagit Valley Herald...

About 40 people participated, waving signs that read “Protect the commons,” “Support American jobs now” and “War is the enemy.”

On Columbus Day, a banking holiday, I heard on the radio that Fort Worth had an occupying group occupy some where in downtown Fort Worth. Fort Worth, population over 700,000 had about a dozen occupiers. Mount Vernon, population 28,000 had 40 occupiers.

I have no clue what to conclude about relative occupier numbers in various towns.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure where they're getting thousands occupying Seattle. I walk everday during the week through the mall/park in front of Westlake Park where this happening. Maybe they all come out at night or on the weekend? In my pass-by's I think the most people I've seen at one time there is about 40.
