Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Cold Wind Making Waves On Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake With Escaping Fosdic Turtles

I was less than a minute in to walking around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park today when it became obvious that shorts and a t-shirt were not sufficient outerwear to keep me warm.

In the noon time frame the air was chilled to the upper 50s with a very strong wind blowing.

All this new air blown in from the north has cleared up my allergy woe.

The Fosdic Ducks did not seem to mind the wind and the cold. The Duck Flock was in full frolic on the lake mode.

I was concerned about the Fosdic Turtles. Having enjoyed such a long HOT summer and then to be hit with this extreme overnight chill, I thought the turtles would be traumatized.

And then I saw a herd of turtles sunning themselves on a log. And after that I saw the guy you see in the picture above, well out of the lake, heading east as fast as his cold-blooded reptilian legs could carry him. He stopped walking when I stopped to take pictures. I advised the turtle that he should head back to the lake, that where he was heading was trouble and a road.

As I walked away from the turtle I saw that he had listened to me and was making a U-turn, heading back to the lake.

As you can see, the wind was making waves on Fosdic Lake today, but not quite strong enough to make whitecaps. I don't know that I've ever seen whitecaps on Fosdic Lake. I have on Lake Grapevine.

1 comment:

  1. Durango: The Turtle Whisperer.

    Much more desirable gig that that lawn guy has.
