Monday, October 17, 2011

A Remodeled Tandy Teepee With A Texas Ranger Baseball Cap Wearing Tire Winning The World Series

It was nearing 80 when I parked on top of Mount Tandy today to hike the Tandy Hills. Today may have been the last day requiring no shirt for the year, with the arrival, tomorrow, of a blast of cold air from the north.

The Tandy Guerrilla Artist has been busy.

The last time I walked by the Tandy Bamboo Teepee I noticed that the bamboo poles that had been laying helter skelter on the ground had been arranged in a stack.

Today I found the Tandy Bamboo Teepee restored to its original glory. 7 or 8 poles have joined the triangle of poles that had been the Tandy Bamboo Teepee for many months.

Changing the subject, slightly, from Bamboo Teepees to my failing health. Lately I've mentioned, I mean, whined, a time or two about my allergic/asthma woes, combined with my aching arm joint woes.

I am pleased to be able to say that today both woes are a lot better.

Yesterday, Betty Jo Bouvier shared with me multiple speculations as to what might be causing my aching arms. Betty Jo suggested it might be arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, or, what she believed to be the most likely cause, old age and its accompanying decrepitude.

Changing the subject from Betty Jo's diagnoses to the Tandy Hills Guerrilla Artist.

The mysterious Tandy Tire, that appeared a month or two ago, seemingly out of nowhere, has now been moved to the creek bed, due west of the most major creek crossing on the Tandy Highway.

I think it was trying to lift the Tandy Tire, months ago, that was the start of my aching arm woes.

The Tandy Tire is now wearing a black baseball cap. Does this have anything to do with the Texas Rangers being in the Super Bowl, I mean, World Series, again? Am I remembering right? Did the Dallas Mavericks win the NBA championship this year? If the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl would that be the first time ever one metro area won the trifecta of professional sports championships?

I don't pay much attention to the NFL, but I can't help but notice that the Dallas Cowboys are not doing well and there is a lot of scorn heaped upon Tony Romo. I met Tony Romo, in Dallas, in person, several years ago. He was a likable guy. Apparently being a likable guy has little to do with throwing a football successfully.

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