Monday, September 12, 2011

Up Early Worrying About Getting HOT Again With Ellis The Schizophrenic

In the picture you are up early with me looking at the pre-dawn darkness at air already warmed to 73 degrees even though that nuclear reaction in the sky has not arrived to do its daily heating duties.

Apparently today, September 12, the 2nd Monday of this 9th month of 2011, we are scheduled to be HOT, with the high currently predicted to be 99.

Tomorrow the scheduled high is 101 degrees HOT. I was sort of hoping that this type thing was done with for the year.

This temperature schizophrenia is sort of annoying. Right now my windows are open. I suspect they will need to be closed sometime this morning and then remain closed for the duration of this new incoming HEAT wave.

Speaking of confusing schizophrenics, I know one who, among her many identities, is Ellis. Near as I can tell, Ellis is a man, but the other personalities, near as I can tell, are women. I think Ellis just pretends to have multiple personalities to have fun. Ellis is quite prolific at spewing verbiage, while the female Ellis personas are very terse and cryptic with their verbiage, as manifested in email.

Enough about Ellis, it's time to go swimming, even though the sun has not yet arrived.

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