Monday, September 12, 2011

We're Back In HOT Grilling Mode Breaking Temperature Records In North Texas

Another Temperature Record Breaking Day In Texas
Earlier today I blogged about today's predicted temperature whilst relying on out of date information. Thusly I was erroneous when I said we were scheduled to be heated to 99 degrees HOT today in North Texas.

Around 5 this morning the National Weather Service added 2 degrees to today's scheduled heat, taking us over the century mark again, plus one, to 101.

If the temperature as measured at the official North Texas temperature measuring station at D/FW Airport does reach 101 today it will be yet one more temperature record in a summer of record breaking temperatures, with today being the hottest September 12 in recorded North Texas history.

We have not hit 100 in North Texas since September 3, lulling us into a false sense of relief.

The reason we are back HOT again is the upper level high pressure HOT zone that had been moved out of town by an upper level low pressure cold zone, has returned with a vengeance.

The low pressure cold zone is expected to come back fighting, later in the week.

So far in 2011 North Texas has had 68 days of 100 or higher. One HOT day short of the record set in the infamous summer of 1980.

It seems fairly clear that 2011 is going to go down in history as the HOTTEST in North Texas history. A record that will likely fall in 2012, what with this ongoing Global Warming thing we've got happening.

One nice personal side benefit for me due to the return of HOT temperatures. My pool had become a bit cool. It should be a bit warmer by tomorrow morning than it was today.

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