Thursday, September 15, 2011

Swimming With The Fosdic Lake Turtles On A Cold Texas Day In September

Fosdic Turtles Getting Sunburns
Being a creature of extremely deeply entrenched repetitive habits, I am thrown out of my comfort zone every other Thursday by a mid-day visit to a doctor in Hurst.

Today was one of those Thursdays.

I got back to my comfort zone later than the norm this Thursday, which only made me more uncomfortable.

Coffee this afternoon, after lunch, only made me nervous. It did not perk me up out of my doldrums.

Around 4 I left my air-conditioned comfort zone, where the air-conditioning has not been running, because it is barely in the chilly 80s, to go for a walk with the turtles at Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

The chilly temperature made for a pleasant, fully clothed walk.

I don't know why the Fosdic Lake turtles are not skittish, posing so willingly for photos, while the Veterans Park turtles are totally neurotic, camera-shy turtle divas.

Fosdic Lake is currently containing the least amount of water I've ever seen in that lake. If the lake continues to dry up one can not help but wonder what disturbing lake bottom things might be revealed.

I am optimistic Friday will be a better day for me than this Thursday has been, so far.

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