Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Nephew David's Late 9/11 Happy Birthday Blogging

My Nephew David's 9/11 Birthday Party
That is my nephew, David, on Sunday, 9/11, swinging at a Pinata at his birthday party in his backyard in Tacoma.

Last week, before David's birthday, I mentioned it was upcoming the upcoming weekend, but that I did not know if his birthday was 9/10 or 9/11.

I now know, courtesy of David's poodle caretakers, Blue & Max, that David was born on the 7th Anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

One would think a good uncle would be able to remember such things without a blog having to remind him.

Today, 9/15, is the birthday of David's oldest aunt, my oldest sister. Also known, by many, as Miss Crankypants, and by others, simply as, "The Nag." I do not know, precisely, how old "The Nag" is today. I do know the number is significant and that "The Nag" is about to retire from her job of many, many years.

One of David's favorite aunts, my sister who lives in the Phoenix zone, was invited to and was able to attend David's 3rd 9/11 Birthday Party. I was unable to attend, but was not invited, so it really was not an issue.

I must hit the publish button on this blogging now and then go email "The Nag" a happy birthday greeting, which will likely make her cranky.

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