Friday, September 16, 2011

The Moon Glows Bright This Morning For Misbeggoten Me

I looked skyward this morning when I stepped outside on this first day of the last half of September to see a bright white moon looking as if it was being chased by some white fluffy stuff.

At 68 degrees it is very cold this morning. 68 degrees is 12 degrees colder than I have my air-conditioner thermostat set to.

Currently I have all my windows open, making it sort of feel like I am sitting inside a big cooler. By cooler I mean refrigerator.

Today Mother Nature has been tasked with heating the outer world to only 85 degrees. And there is a chance she will be putting on a Thunderstorm show. We have not had a good Thunderstorm show in these parched parts of the planet in a long time.

Before it gets any colder and before lightning starts striking, I think I will go swimming in my formerly warm pool.

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