Friday, September 16, 2011

Change Of Meeting Location For Saturday's Tandy Hills Litter Stomp

I wondered why the Tandy Hills Litter Stomp was meeting in such odd location, far removed from any creeks, at least that I know of. But, it's not my place to question these type things.

It did not surprise me to get an email telling me there had been a change of location to the much more familiar meeting place of the Tandy Hills Playground on View Street.

Below is the message about the change of plans....

Hello Tandy Hills Litter Stompers!
First off, thank you everyone. We have had a great response.
In fact, we have had such a great response that we need to make a small CHANGE of PLAN.

Instead of meeting at Stratford Park:

We will MEET at the Tandy Hills Natural Area Playground (the usual meeting place)
3400 View Street, 9am, Saturday, September 17th.

Don't be late or you'll miss the organic breakfast snacks donated by Whole Foods plus coffee & tea

Keep those RSVP's coming------>

Contact: Jen Schultes


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