Thursday, September 15, 2011

Up Early In Texas On A Chilly 3rd Thursday Of September

Up early in the pre-dawn hours on the 3rd Thursday of the 9th month of 2011, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at a glowing turquoise pool heated by outer world air chilled to only 9 degrees warmer than the current temperature of 55 at my old home zone of Mount Vernon, Washington.

In other words, it is only 64 degrees this morning, awaiting the arrival of the skybound nuclear heat source who's thermostat is currently set to only warm us up to 83 degrees today in this formerly HOT zone of Texas.

A doctor's appointment this morning, up in Hurst, will keep me from my regular middle of the day aerobic endorphin stimulation. That stimulation will need to be re-scheduled til some time late in the afternoon, lest I tailspin into a bad bout of extreme endorphin withdrawal.

In the meantime I am going swimming, right now, as a temporary endorphin inducing stop-gap measure.

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