Friday, September 2, 2011

Heading To Texas Dinosaur Country For The Labor Day Weekend Glen Rose Neo-Relix Film Festival Viewing Of Up A Creek

The Layla Caraway/Bob Lukemon/TRIP documentary Up A Creek is one of the featured documentaries at the Glen Rose Neo-Relix Film Festival this Labor Day Weekend.

Up A Creek will be aired twice during the Neo-Relix Film Festival, Saturday, September 3 at 2 pm, then again on Sunday, September 4 at noon.

You can find more information at the Trinity River Improvement Project (TRIP) website, where you can also watch Up A Creek.

Or you can also watch Up A Creek, in 4 parts, on this very blog.

Now that Up A Creek has entered the Film Festival circuit I assume it is only a matter of time before it gets an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Short.

When that happens I am scheduled to be Ms. Caraway's escort to the Oscars.

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