Friday, September 2, 2011

The 2nd Day Of September Dawns Semi-Chilly In Formerly HOT North Texas

The sun had not yet arrived on the 2nd morning of September when I looked out my primary viewing portal on the world.

The tardy sun has now arrived. It appears that it is yet one more clear sky morning in my zone of North Texas.

Currently the outer world is cooled just slightly warmer than my inner world, with the degrees currently being 82 in outer world, 80 in inner world.

Again the weather predictors are predicting that today will not be heated to 100 or higher, but will only reach a relatively chilly 99. The weather predictors were wrong about their chilly prediction for yesterday. I hope the weather predictors are not wrong about today.

I'm in the mood to be back wearing long sleeves and long pants.

Long sleeves and long pants would be a necessity if I were at my old home location of Mount Vernon, Washington where it is currently barely over halfway to 100 at 53.6.

I do not know how I managed living in that frigid climate up north.

I think I will go swimming now and ponder how it was that I managed to live in that frigid climate up north.

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