Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Visiting The Soldier Guarding Arlington's Veterans Park Memorial Worrying About My Double Dip Recession & My Nephew Shooting Himself

Today in the noon time frame I was heading to Chinatown in Arlington. On the way I decided to stop at Arlington's Veterans Park to pay my respects to the soldier guarding the memorial.

The shady walk on the Veterans Park boardwalk through the Wildscape slightly cheered me up.

I've been feeling a bit depressed, of late, worrying I may be slipping into a dreaded double dip recession. My credit rating recently took another hit. I had a nightmare where, someone who I thought liked me, suggested I was a parasite on the world.

That was harsh.

My stock in the world has really taken a hit lately.

On the positive side of my current state of mind, this morning I was surprised to check the mail to find a settlement for a class action suit in the form of a check. The lawyers took over half of the settlement.

A few minutes ago Elsie Hotpepper sent me a link to a disturbing video on MSNBC about a gun incident in Chandler, Arizona.

Where my nephews live.

Apparently a 27 year old male Chandlerite was in a grocery store fumbling in his pants pocket when his girl friend's pink gun, which for some reason he was carrying, without the safety on, went off, sending a bullet through his most private parts.

A full recovery is expected. I have not received a phone call from my sister or mom with tragic news, so I strongly suspect the shooter is not one of my nephews.

Speaking of places, like Arizona, where it is very HOT. Today, in Texas, it was a little under 100 when I visited the Veterans Park Soldier.

Currently, at a little past 4, it is 106.5, feeling like 111, at my location in HOT Texas. Right now Chandler is a relatively chilly 103.6.

Today is Day 39 Over 100 in North Texas. Tomorrow will be Day 40. When is this HOT madness going to end?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, perhaps they are covering up. You have to admit the injury is not one you'd want to see go viral.
