Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Microsoft Caused Tardiness On Day 40 In A Row Over 100 On Dr. L.C.'s Happy Birthday

It is almost 4 hours after a pre-dawn picture was taken of the view through the bars of my patio prison cell on this 10th day of August.

Microsoft is always very concerned about evil doers exploiting a weakness and taking over my computer. This morning it was Microsoft installing security updates which took over my computer.

Microsoft really seems to be the only evil doer that regularly takes over my computer.

I just heard from my therapist, Dr. L.C., asking what is wrong with me, apparently concerned that I am tardy with my regular blogging. Dr. L.C. also informed me she was canceling today's regularly scheduled therapy appointment due to needing to go celebrate the 20th Anniversary of her 29th birthday.

Happy Birthday, Dr. L.C.

Speaking of schedules, today we are scheduled to be Day 40 in a Row over 100 degrees in North Texas. The record is 42 days.

Also scheduled is tomorrow's Grand Opening of Fort Worth's first In n' Out Burger joint. I suspect there will be traffic jams on West 7th tomorrow caused by legions of In n' Out fans looking to have a Double Double Cheeseburger.

I won't be one of the legion of fans jamming West 7th. I'll wait for the hubbub to die down to get me a Double Double Cheeseburger.


  1. Speaking of birthdays, is a Durango birthday in the near future? If my calculations are correct, he will be starting his 'golden years' chapter tomorrow.

  2. I drove past the In-and-Out location a couple of times this week. Starting tomorrow, I will avoid that area for some time to come.

    One thing I'm wondering about is how all of those expensive palm trees they've planted will look if we have another winter like the last one.

  3. Hey CatsPaw, to answer your astute question: they be just like most of the grass and other plant life in the North texas area right now. I don't even water my little yard or garden any more after seeing of the H2O mist evaporate even before they hit the plant life. Forget about the ground.
