Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 39 In A Row Over 100 In North Texas While I Ponder Inner Tubing In The Green Trinity River

Looking skyward through the bars of my patio prison cell on the second Tuesday of August, Day 9, I am seeing something that has been a bit rare of late.


According to the forecast there is 0% chance of precipitation today in North Texas. So, those clouds are just a big tease in the sky.

Today will be Day 39 in a Row of 100 degrees or more, as measured at the official temperature monitoring station at D/FW Airport.

21 days til September arrives. In Septembers of the past, in Texas, by the end of September the temperature of the pool starts to be a slight bit of a challenge to acclimate to. I will be glad when that day arrives.

Today is my pool-free day due to the pool getting its weekly shock.

I do not know if the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle is shocking the Trinity River in preparation for Thursday's Rockin' the River Inner Tube Happy Hour Float in the currently very green river.

Perhaps the TRVB could use Fort Worth's former goofy mayor, Mike Moncrief's method for dying the Trinity River purple, to dispense chemicals to turn the formerly purple river a more aesthetically pleasant color than green.

I suppose crystal clear, like a swimming pool, is out of the question.

I can not help but wonder what sort of testing is done of the river water in the Happy Hour Zone prior to encouraging 100s of people to get in the green water?


  1. I doubt there's any testing of the water. And if someone is sickened by high levels of bacteria in the water, the waiver they make people sign will cover the TRV from any liability.

  2. Why do they make people sign wavers? I thought it was public land.
