Monday, August 8, 2011

The Paradise Center's Elizabeth's Heart

I got a blog comment this morning from someone calling him or herself "Anonymous" that those of you who have been following the Paradise Center Scandal and who know the story of Elizabeth, will find of interest.

This is what Anonymous had to say......

Durango, I was told by two people from Paradise Center that Elizabeth had surgery to repair the hole in her heart. The couple said she had the procedure in Childrens Hospital at Dallas. Thought you might want to check it out and let folks know who love and follow Paradise Center happenings.

I hope Elizabeth and her mom and dad are doing well. This family has been through a lot the past couple years. The Battle to Save Carter Avenue from having an un-odorized natural gas pipeline run under the homes of Carter Avenue, which was a battle successfully waged by Elizabeth's dad, Steve, also known as Fort Worth's Lone Ranger.

And then the family got hit by the Paradise Center Scandal via the unscrupulous underhanded dealings of a corrupt Tarrant County Agency, MHMR-TC and its equally corrupt, irresponsible, unethical, inhumane co-horts in bad behavior.

I will try and find out where get well cards can be sent to Elizabeth. I suppose the Paradise Center address would work. That would be 525 South Henderson Street, Fort Worth.

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