Monday, August 8, 2011

Walking With My Mom & The Ghosts Along Village Creek Thinking About Cherry Pie

Today I learned that dialing my camera to the "Aquarium" setting makes for a much better picture of the reflection in the Village Creek mirror than my previous attempt.

I called my mom when I left air-conditioned comfort to drive to the Village Creek Natural Historic Area to walk in the shade with the ghosts and my mom.

Mom and dad got back home yesterday from their trip to Washington.

I found out, via talking to my mom, I was wrong in my assumption as to what pass they took to get over the Cascades to see my aunt in Eastern Washington. They took the northernmost pass, the North Cross State Highway, also known as the North Cascades Pass, among other things it is known by, like the road that passes through North Cascades National Park. Or simply Highway 20, which is what my mom called it.

Mom and dad got peaches and cherries in Eastern Washington, among other things. I'd been lamenting missing cherries and good cherry pie just yesterday.

Cherry pie came up whilst talking to my mom when I asked about their eldest grandson making them dinner at his house in Mount Vernon. My two oldest nephews were there. And my oldest nephew's oldest, Spencer Jack. And Spencer Jack's grandma, who is my favorite ex-sister-in-law, who brought what my mom said was really good cherry pie.

Anyone reading this who happened to be a Twin Peaks fan knows cherry pie and the Pacific Northwest go together. Along with coffee.

After I lamented my lack of cherry pie my mom told me to look for Marie Callender, suggesting she might provide a worthy substitute in my current cherry deprived location.

The last time I had a cherry was at the Fremont Sunday Market in Seattle, sometime in August of 2008. They were Rainier cherries. Great big ones.

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