Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Mom & Dad In Tacoma A Week Ago With Their 3 Youngest Grandchildren

I've yet to locate my mom and dad today, on their 60th Anniversary.

A few minutes ago I saw that the poodles, Blue & Max, had added some new pictures of my mom and dad to their blog.

In the picture I can't tell if mom and dad are in my sister's front or back yard. I can say for certain they are in Tacoma.

Ignore the blue sky behind them. Puget Sounders are not supposed to send pictures out of state that show a blue sky in Western Washington. This type thing wreaks havoc with the "It is Always Raining and Overcast" reputation.

I can not tell which twin mom and dad is holding. My best guess is mom is holding Ruby Jean while dad has Theo John. Both mom and dad look as if they are having trouble holding the babies.

Meanwhile, David in the middle is grateful no one is picking him up.

1 comment:

  1. A clarification about Washington weather for the ignorant:
    You will often see pictures of blue skies. What's more, if you visit, you may even see such blue skies. Such was the case with me when I moved away. I'd go back and they'd even have blue skies at Christmas. But it is all simply a lure. When I moved back, I think we got rain every day for three straight months.
