Sunday, August 7, 2011

The First Sunny Sunday Of August In Texas Will Be Day 37 Over 100

Looking at the Shadow of the Skinny Dipping Thin Man you can see the sun has not yet arrived on the first sunny Sunday of August and already those distant nuclear explosions in the sky have heated the pre-dawn darkness to 86 degrees.

Today will be Day 37 in a Row of 100 degrees or higher as measured at the official temperature measuring station of North Texas at D/FW Airport.

I have yet to locate my mom and dad, who, today, begin day 21,901 of wedded bliss. Give or take a day or two.

Meanwhile up in my old home zone it is currently 54.1. The Puget Sound region has had two days in the 80s this summer. Carlotta Camano thinks air-conditioning needs to be installed in her house to combat those rare instances of sweltering heat. Carlotta's current husband is not agreeing to taking cooling measures. He must not realize what a delicate orchid he married.

The sun has now arrived to light up Sunday and turn up the HEAT. Which means it is time to take my sunny Sunday skinny dip.

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