Saturday, August 6, 2011

In Texas Thinking About Escaping The Heat In My Birthday Suit

Looking for pictures of my mom and dad from long ago, from before they had kids, I came upon a picture of me that I don't remember giving permission to have taken.

This picture would seem to indicate I have had a longer history than I realized of laying around in my birthday suit.

I have no idea what that is I am laying on. Or what that is on the wall above me.

I vaguely recollect a story told by my parental units of a picture of me being sent to my Grandpa and Grandma up in Lynden, Washington, from my place of birth in Eugene, Oregon, with Grandpa sending mom and dad some money, with a note telling them to buy that boy some clothes.

I suspect it must have been this picture which was sent to my Grandpa and Grandma.

Currently I have one more item of clothing on than I do in the picture. The current temperature makes it tempting to seek further HEAT relief by getting rid of that one item of clothing.

I wonder if there is anyone I could send a current picture to who would take pity on me and send me money so I could go buy some clothes?

1 comment:

  1. That's the kind of picture that, these days, if people were still shooting film, would prompt some photo clerk to notify CPS.

    You are posing on a bathinet. They were used for diaper changes, baby cleanup and nudie cutie poses. I found one on craigslist so you can see just what the rest of this contraption looked like. However, I do not recommend purchasing this item to reprise your 1950s glory days ... for any number of reasons.

    Too bad that kitty wallhanging isn't still around. It'd probably bring in enough kibble on eBay to buy a shirt and socks.
