Thursday, August 18, 2011

Have You Ever Known Rick Perry In The Biblical Sense?

I first heard of the ad you see here whilst listening to Rush Limbaugh do his daily ranting for a short while.

Then Elsie Hotpepper mentioned it to me and had me momentarily worrying she was about to answer the ad as one of the "young hotties" being solicited for.

A guy named Robert Morrow, of Austin, Texas, he being a Ron Paul supporter, took out the full page ad you see here in this week's Austin Chronicle.

Morrow claims to know strippers in Austin who have told him juicy stories about Rick Perry's peccadilloes with strippers, escorts and young hotties.

Hence the ad asking "Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?" Further asking, "Are you a stripper, an escort or just a 'young hottie' impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas?"

I'm not a fan of Rick Perry, he sort of appalls me, creepy man that he seems to be. And the idea that he is being taken serious as a presidential candidate is just bizarre to me. Then again, I thought the same thing when George W. Bush was taken serious as a presidential candidate. Clearly I am clueless as to who should be taken serious as a presidential candidate.

But, regardless of my cluelessness as to who is a viable presidential candidate, this ad is really way over the top. Trolling for trollops to expose a bad man's bad deeds, in this way, seems a tad tacky to me. Prudish boy that I be.

The ad targeting Rick Perry is not the first time this Robert Morrow guy has gone extreme in a political attack. Way back in 2008, in South Carolina, Morrow paid for and was the voice on a robocall smearing Hillary Clinton, with the message claiming "Hillary knew about and helped cover up Bill's rape of Juanita Boderick."

Does Ron Paul approve of this particular ad asking this particular question about Rick Perry? I would hope not.

What is sexual hypocrisy? I don't think I have heard of this brand of hypocrisy before, let alone the need for committee to be against it.


  1. This makes me laugh. I have to send to my Austin friends. You know why? People in certain circles in Austin say Perry is gay.

  2. I don't think this is over the top at all. Perry is putting himself out there as a Godly man, which we all know he is not. I would pay good cashy money for one of his boytoys to come forward, and I hope one of them (or more) does.

  3. I'm so thoroughly disturbed by the highly-offensive, inconsistent, badly-drawn and letterspaced knockoff-Star Wars typography that I cannot yet worry about the content.

    Maybe tomorrow.
