Thursday, August 18, 2011

Walking Under The Shade Of The Village Creek Oaks Thinking About Generals Grant, Sherman & Washington

You are looking up at a Village Creek Natural Historic Area oak tree in the picture.

When I am in a mood most foul, which is most of the time, I find I get temporary respite from a mood most foul when I commune with some types of nature.

For me, big trees and big waves seem to be the best foul mood alleviaters.

I do not have any contact with big waves in Texas. The only time I've even seen a semi-big wave in Texas was in Galveston.

I think big waves rolling up on an ocean beach cast off negative ions. Hence the mood enhancement.

I think big oak trees may also cast off negative ions.

The biggest tree I've ever had put me in a good mood was a sequoia called General Grant in Kings Canyon National Park in California. General Sherman in Sequoia National Park is the biggest tree in the world. General Grant is number 2. The Washington sequoia, named after General/President Washington, also in Sequoia National Park, used to be the #2 tree. But the Washington tree had a partial collapse a few years ago.

It's been a long time since I've seen a really big tree.

It's also been a long time since I've been cold. Currently I have my air conditioner working hard to keep me semi-cool. The A/C is having to work extra hard because it is currently 107 degrees in the outer world. With the Wind Chill Factor making it feel like 106.

It is only 13 days until the arrival of September. At some point in September it would seem like cooler temperatures might arrive. I hope.


  1. I can't remember- do you ever go to the Nature Center west of FW?

  2. I used to go to the FW Nature Center quite frequently. Googling Fort Worth Nature Preserve and Refuge should bring up the webpage I made of it. I Googled and it does,

    I used to live closer to it than I do now. And I've not gone since an admission fee started being charged. My way of protesting what I thought was a very wrong thing to do with a big public park of that sort.
