Friday, August 19, 2011

Up Early In Texas Well Before My Local Yellow Dwarf

I am up way before the sun, looking closely through the bars of my patio prison cell at the hot tub and pool below me, on this 19th Day of August.

That hot plasma yellow dwarf, around which the solar system where I currently reside revolves, has not yet arrived for its daily heating duties and already the outer world, at my Texas location, is heated to 86.9, heading to a scheduled high today of 108.

What is the all-time record high temperature recorded at the official temperature recording station at D/FW Airport? I just realized I do not believe I have ever read what the all-time high has been in North Texas.

My personal all-time high temperature was experienced in August of 1998 at Badwater in Death Valley. It was 124.

I think I will go swimming before the sun arrives. I've not gone swimming in the morning darkness in awhile.

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