Saturday, August 13, 2011

Enjoying A Naturally Cool Saturday In North Texas While Fishing, Walking & Town Talking

Swimming in the rain this morning was a wonderful thing. The air was heated to a temperature somewhere in the mid 70s. The water in the pool was quite a bit warmer than the mid 70s.

I have no idea what the temperature was of the raindrops that kept falling on my head.

The rain dropped for several hours. At the current point in time, a bit past 3 on this Saturday, it is only 84.2.

I went to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake and visit the Fosducks again today. The Fosducks, recently traumatized by the HEAT, today were ducking in the lake, out in full force, paddling all over Fosdic Lake,

The cool temperatures brought out a long of anglers, angling for fish one is warned not to consume. The fishermen seem to have themselves a real fine time.

Yesterday when I walked around Fosdic Lake, talking to my mom, my mom asked me if I could find out if a high school classmate of mom's was still among the living. A few minutes ago I Googled the classmate's name and then called mom to tell her where the classmate can be found.

This had me thinking back to 1962 and the World of Tomorrow in the Seattle World's Fair Century 21 predictions of the future. The video phones predicted in 1962 were huge clunky things. Certainly not mobile. 1962 saw nothing like the Internet in the future.

So, in 2011 I am walking around a lake in Texas, not tethered to a land line, talking to my mom in Arizona, in a long distance call that adds not a penny to my phone bill, with my mom asking if I can find out if a friend of hers from long ago is still alive. Then via this invention called the Interet I use this thing called Google to quickly find the answer to my mom's question.

If the World of Tomorrow told people at the Seattle World's Fair that a searching thing called Google would be a really big deal in the 21st Century, people would have giggled.

After Fosdic Lake was done with me I did my regular Saturday thing and went to Town Talk. I thought Oakland Lake Park was a lot busier than usual, attributing the activity to the sudden cool weather. I have never seen Town Talk so busy as it was today. I had trouble finding a parking spot.

I imagine most of North Texas is likely out and about enjoying the natural air-conditioning.

It won't last. Tomorrow we are scheduled to be back over 100.

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