Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swimming In The Rain Chilled To 74 Degrees In Formerly HOT Texas

When I woke up this 2nd Saturday, 13th Day of August I heard an unfamiliar sound. I thought something had gone wrong with the fountain by the pool and it was spewing way more water than it should be spewing.

I looked out my primary viewing window and what do I see?

Rain hitting the window.

I stepped outside on to my patio prison cell to retrieve my swimming suit and take a picture of the falling drops. My limited photographic skills sort of captured the falling rain.

I must say, a warm summer rain falling on my parched skin was very refreshing.

Apparently the rain started falling around 6 this morning, accompanied, in some locations, by lightning and thunder.

I have my windows open for the first time in a long time. It is only 74.9 degrees out there right now. That is over 6 degrees cooler than I usually have my A/C set to.

I think I will go swimming in the rain now. Have not done that in a long long time.

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