Saturday, August 13, 2011

Drinking $200 Margaritas With Naughty Schoolgirls While Helping A Stripper With Her Tuition & Riding Elephants

If I remember right I think I have mentioned previously that I am a fan of the ads I find in Fort Worth Weekly.

I have never been to the Mule Pub. Looking at the ad it appears that the Mule Pub is way too expensive for my tastes.

I can not imagine paying $200 for a Margarita. Even if the Mule Pub is the "Home of the $200 Margarita."

And "World Famous."

But it was not the expensive cocktail that intrigued me about this particular ad. What intrigued me was trying to figure out what message the photo of the two elephants in the ad was supposed to convey. Is the ad suggesting if you consume one of those $200 Margaritas that you will soon be frolicking like those elephants?

It's very perplexing.

The other ad in this week's FW Weekly that caught my eye was the ad for Buck's Cabaret.

Buck's Cabaret's ad commands "Attention All Sugar Daddies."

And then says "Buck's Cabaret Presents the First Annual Back to School Naughty School Girl Party..."

Bucks asks ad readers to "Join us and help a stripper pay her tuition."

Apparently, according to the ad, "The Naughtiest School Girl Will Win a $1000 Scholarship from Buck's Cabaret."

The Naughty School Girl Party is on Thursday, August 25. This conflicts with that Thursday's Rockin' the River Inner Tube Happy Hour Float.

I am torn as to which of these events I will attend. I do like to help a stripper get through school. But I am also a huge fan of getting wet in very dirty water.


  1. Go to Buck's! A friend of mine owns it. And trust me, even if it is a strip club, it is cleaner than the Trinity.

  2. The above may be the best comment, ever.
