Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Air-Conditioned Outdoor Cool Of The Dawn Of The 2nd Sunday Of August In Texas

I'm looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at a very inviting pool on this 2nd Sunday of the 14th morning of August.

Already we are almost at the mid-point of August. September is rapidly approaching.

23 days in to September Fall of 2011 begins, soon followed by cooler temperatures.

We got a reminder of what cooler temperatures are like on Saturday. And of what rain is like. The high on Saturday was in the 85 degree zone.

Our respite from the HEAT apparently will be short lived. Even though the dawn of the 2nd Sunday of August is cooled to 79.5, the day is scheduled to be heated to an almost HOT 99.

I think I will go take my Sunday morning swim now, while the water is still way warmer than the air.

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