Tuesday, August 16, 2011

CatsPaw Thinks I Should Shake Up My Tiresome Routine By Hiking To A Fort Worth Waterfall I've Never Hiked To

CatsPaw read my sad lament about overheating yesterday on the Tandy Hills, which had me vowing not to return to the hills until reasonable temperatures return to North Texas.

After CatsPaw read my sad lament she opined (I paraphrase) that I needed to shake up my tiresome routine.

CatsPaw then pointed me to a "precious gem" that exists in Fort Worth, but which has never been visited by me. CatsPaw's research indicated that this gem is "unique and natural," which is my favorite type of thing.

CatsPaw's source for the information about this "precious gem" is the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle website. I don't know how reliable this information is, the website says "visiting the waterfall is a sinch." I have no idea what a "sinch" is.

I suspect Farmers Branch Creek Waterfall is currently a dry falls, just like Tandy Falls.

Below is the verbiage from the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle website about this precious gem of a waterfall. I found it mildly disturbing that the TRV Boondoggle website is encouraging people to play in the water of these falls, just like they encourage people to play in the pristine waters of the Trinity River...

With the weather being absolutely gorgeous, now is the best time to get out and expore the Trinity Trails. One of our favorite spots on the river is the Farmers Branch Creek waterfall located in Westworth Village near the Naval Air Station/Joint Reserve Base. Until recently, getting to this precious gem was nearly impossible, but since the Tarrant Regional Water District completed the connection between the main part of the Trinity River and the length of the creek, visiting the waterfall is a sinch.

The quickest ways to access this new portion of trail is from Pumphrey Dr. off of 183 (this area will soon be home to a new trailhead!) or from the trailhead at White Settlement Rd. and Isbell Rd.. Once on the trail make your way to this unique and natural scene using the below map. Once you've reached the destination, take in the view from the new sitting area, snap some photos or even play in the falls!

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