Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Lost My Way To The Farmers Branch Creek Waterfall And Ended Up Walking With Indian Ghosts

Around noon today I left air-conditioned comfort and, as per the suggestion of CatsPaw, intended to head west to hike to the Farmers Branch Creek Waterfall to see a "precious gem" and experience something "unique and natural."

Trouble is, I have experienced an awful lot of waterfalls. Roaring, powerful waterfalls, with big drops dropping an awful lot of water.

As the wheels on my vehicular transport began rotating I soon found myself directing the steering wheel to move those wheels in an easterly direction, not west.

Soon I found myself at the Village Creek Natural Historic Area where I walked in the shade til I came to the mysterious mirror on a stick.

It was nearly 100 degrees when I walked to the mysterious mirror on a stick.

Walking over all the crunchy leaves that have fallen on to the paved trail one would think it was already Fall, instead of over a month to go before that particular season of the year begins.

I suspect trees are starting to lose their grip on their leaves due to the drought. I know the drought is causing me to lose my grip on my leaves.

After I was done crunching Village Creek leaves I continued on to ALDI Food Market to get me some vittles.

Having a unique natural experience with the Farmers Branch Creek Waterfall will have to wait for another day.

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