Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The 16th Morning Of August In Texas Worrying That The Confederacy Of Dunces Thinks Rick Perry Is Presidential Material

Looking out my primary viewing portal this 16th morning of August I was surprised to have the camera's flash light up my morning.

I did not realize the camera was still in aquarium mode, set in that mode last night when I took a picture of my TV screen.

Tuesday morning is the morning I can not go swimming due to the pool getting its weekly shock so it can maintain that crystal clear chemically-enabled look one wants in water one immerses oneself in.

Unless it is the Trinity River. Then I want my immersing water to be an unnatural color, like lime green.

The past couple days I've been sort of depressed at once again having the bad feeling that I really do live in a Confederacy of Dunces. The bad feeling this time is coming from the fact that, for reasons I am unable to fathom, the current D-Student Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is being taken serious as a presidential candidate.

Has America already forgotten what happened the last time they elected a Texas D-Student to be president of this formerly fine country?

It is very perplexing. And right now I can not go swimming to take my mind off my perplexations.


  1. I am trying hard to start an anti-Perry campaign. Any chance I get I mention the dumb things done in Texas (like getting rid of too many teachers) in public, on FaceBook, etc., I do. I'm even thinking of putting a "no more TX governors for president" sticker on my car (I just have to make one).

    The "Grand" Ole Party ain't so grand any more. Both parties via corporate donations seem hell bent on turning us into a 3rd world country. If the situation here continues to worsen, leaving the country increasingly becomes the only option for a future for my son. I've even started looking into it.

  2. True Americans stand their ground and work for change, even if it means fighting...verbally and otherwise. Recall the American Revolution and the fights for other independences, rights, and even joining in world wars to stop tyranny. And present day fights for truth and justice by groups like Paradise Center and the one fighting the TRV boondoggle, to name just a couple local examples.

    Even with its many problems, one would be hard pressed to find a more vaste, beautiful and free nation than the U.S. of America, our "My home, sweet home" (the closing words from "God Bless America" which were sung at MLB games after 911 but seems to be dying out as we approach the 10th Anniversary).
