Thursday, August 11, 2011

The August 11 Morning Of Day 41 Over 100 In North Texas

My internal lights came on at right about the time the sun arrived to light up the 11th day of August.

It is yet one more clear blue sky morning in North Texas, currently chilled to 82.7. This chilly temperature gives my air-conditioner a slight break from its cooling duties.

Unless a Blue Norther Arctic Blast arrives today it will be Day 41 in a Row of 100 Degrees or more, as measured by the official temperature monitoring station at D/FW Airport.

The record numbers of days in North Texas of 100 or more is 42. The current temperature prediction for tomorrow, Friday, the possible Day 42, is 99 degrees. That is the prediction from the Weather Underground. Other predictors are predicting 100 for tomorrow.

I suspect the other predictors are going to end up predicting correctly, with Friday being the record tying day 42 in a row of 100 or more. With the record broken on Saturday, at 43. Followed by several more days in a row over 100.

All this temperature talk has made me HOT. So, I think I will go swimming now.

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