Thursday, August 11, 2011

It Is A Happy 47th Birthday Today In Durango Jones World

I have been getting emails and Facebook messages this morning wishing me a Happy Birthday. I checked my biographical information to see if it is my birthday today. Apparently it is.

Today, using the patented Durango Age Calculating Formula I calculated I am 47 years old. The Durango Age Calculating Formula adds ones Chronological Age to How Old One Looks to How Old One Acts and then divides the total by 3.

As you can see in my high school senior photo I have always looked way younger than my chronological years. I believe I was 17 when my senior photo was taken.

I have always been told that as I got older I would come to appreciate my freakishly youthful appearance. I guess I do. But it does get tiresome, at times, the few times I purchase an adult beverage, to get asked to prove I am old enough to do so.

Last October my mountain bike was stolen. This was about a week after I had my last mountain bike wreck. It was not a bad wreck, but it wrenched my right foot, a pain which took a long time to go away. I took the bike wreck, followed by the bike theft, followed by the foot pain to be an omen that I was too old to be riding a bike.

In the picture you are looking at me on my first mountain bike, pedaling the streets of Eugene, Oregon, wearing a very stylish bike helmet.

Being at the ripe old age of 47 it is hard to remember all the people I have met over the years in the various places I have met people.

Sometimes memories are too painful to remember. Or to forget.

I don't remember the name of the girl in the picture. It seems like maybe the last name was Figenbaum. My mom would likely remember.

I have always liked being outdoors. This likely explains why at my now semi-advanced age of 47 my skin is leathery. Or is it just tanned?

My enjoying playing in the sun years began in Eugene. Summers are hot in Eugene. Not Texas HOT, but hot.

I think in the picture on the left I am working on my garden.

I have always liked to plant stuff and watch it grow. Not so much in Texas, though. Growing stuff in Texas is a daunting task. You might run low on water. Or get a plague of locusts.

Elsie Hotpepper emailed me a few minutes ago asking what my Happy Birthday plans are.

I have no Happy Birthday plans. Except to call my mom and wish her a Happy Birthday for birthing me.


  1. Well, happy birthday and bless you if you're responsible for breaking the 100+ degree streak competition with Hell.

    But what I have learned here today is that some men are as proficient at lying about how many trips around the sun they've made as as some women. Or perhaps that men are "better at math" is just yet another myth.

  2. What a cute young child!!! Can I share how old you REALLY are?
