Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Three Boys Stuck In The Fosdic Lake Mud While Fosdic Creek Floods With Fosducks & Turtles

Today as I drove on to the parking lot on the east side of Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park I looked across to the west side of the lake to see something I have never seen before. Humans in the lake. Well, more precisely, humans appearing to be stuck in mud made bare by the receding Fosdic Lake, evaporating away due to the ongoing  Great North Texas Drought and 40 days in a row of 100 degrees of more.

The 3 guys in the mud were pulling stuff out of the mud. And then running across the mud to deposit what they'd pulled up in the garbage can that usually floats in the lake, but is currently sitting on the mud flat. I could see the boys were barefoot. Barefoot in thick, gooey, black mud that holds who knows what.

A short time later I was on the west side of Fosdic Lake, directly above where I'd seen the boys in the mud. No boys to be seen. A short distance from that location I walked down a cement stairway to lake level.

Still no boys to be seen. Then I noticed black mud footprints on the cement steps. I've no idea where those 3 boys went and how they went there so quickly. While barefoot.

The 3 boys may have hurried off the mud sand bar when they noticed that the level of Fosdic Lake was rising. Rising due to a large volume of water entering Fosdic Lake from a flooding Fosdic Creek. I assume yet one more Fort Worth water main had broken, somewhere upcreek from Fosdic Lake. The water appeared very milky.

In the news the past couple days has been the news that we may soon be in water restriction mode in North Texas due to the drought. Those vexing water main breaks are not helping conserve water.

I suspect the Fosdic Creek flood will likely quickly abate and Fosic Lake will continue evaporating. In the above picture you are looking at the beach that has formed on the east side of the lake.

The Fosdic Ducks, also known as Fosducks, had moved to a new shade location. Also in evidence were a few turtles. The Fosducks were not in the water, but the turtles were. So, that makes turtles and humans I sort of saw in Fosdic Lake today.

I think I'd be more willing to go inner tubing in Fosdic Lake than I would in the Trinity River. No slightly treated sewage is pumped in Fosdic Lake, as far as I know.

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