Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another HOT Walk In The Shade Of The Village Creek Oak Trees

The sun had barely arrived this morning when a thunderstorm let loose a few big bangs and a short flood of water vertically delivered in drop form.

By the time I was in the pool a very bright rainbow arched across the sky above me. I wish I had had my camera with me.

One would have thought the bright rainbow might have been a bright omen for a bright day.

Well, the day did turn out bright, my mood, not so much.

The rain temporarily made the outer world feel cool. But, by the time I went walking in the shade of the Village Creek Natural Historic Area the rain-caused humidity had the 89.4 degrees feeling way HOTTER.

Currently it is 104.1, according to the Weather Underground, with that miserable humidity making it feel like 108.

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