Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fort Worth Is Where The West Begins But It Turns Classic In West Texas

The rainbow in the picture is not the one that arched over me this morning whilst I was swimming.

The rainbow in the picture was in a video Alma, the Songbird of the Texas Gulf Coast, sent me today of photos of West Texas taken by Wyman Meinzer of Benjamin, Texas, where his gallery is in the old Benjamin jail.

The photos are classic scenes of the American West. In Texas. Scenes that are what many people think all of Texas looks like.

When I first moved to Texas I did not get how Fort Worth could bill itself as "Where the West Begins." Coming in from the Far West, this made no sense to me. It took me awhile, but now I get it. Fort Worth is sort of where the West begins.

Going way back to when I could first check a book out of a library the history of the American West has always been one of my favorite genres.

Reading about Custer's Last Stand, Captain Jack's Stronghold, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Black Kettle, Red Cloud, Sand Creek, the Fetterman Massacre, Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Deadwood, Virginia City, Tombstone, Dodge City, Wounded Knee, the Black Hills, Fort Union and much more, and then eventually visiting these locations where these people did their deeds, well, good memories.

I do love the American West. And Fort Worth. Where the West Begins....

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