Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Last Thursday Morning Of August Has Started With A Thunderclap & Downpour

That blue oasis in the picture is looking inviting this last Thursday morning of August of 2011.

The sun has only been providing illumination for a few minutes, so it has not had a chance to take the chill out of the air which is currently only 81.4 degrees in the outer world in my vicinity.

I just heard what sounded to me like thunder. Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world I do see some thundercloud type activity in the sky. The National Weather Service claims there is a 10% chance we may see some precipitation today. No mention made of thunderstorms.

Yesterday, that being Wednesday, set yet one more temperature record, reaching 106 at the official temperature monitoring station at D/FW Airport.

Just as I hit the period on that last sentence rain began hitting the window. I must go outside and stand in the downpour. I'll be right back.

Now that was refreshing. Big, semi-warm drops of wetness. I am about 10 minutes from my morning swim. Will I be swimming in the rain this morning? I hope so.

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