Saturday, July 9, 2011

We Are Going To Have Ourselves A Very HOT Second Saturday Of July In Texas Today

I was up late last night, which has me up after the sun this 2nd Saturday of July. July 9, to precisely identify the date.

Looking skyward through the bars of my patio prison cell you can see it is yet one more blue morning in Texas.

In a little over a half hour the 2011 iteration of the Parker County Peach Festival will be underway. I do not believe I will be having myself any Parker County peaches today.

Every year since I've been putting Google ads on my websites and blogs the week leading up to the Parker County Peach Festival has been the biggest week, Google AdSense wise.

This is a bit of a mystery due to the fact that I can run a specific channel on a specific webpage, giving me the AdSense data for that page. The specific Parker County Peach Festival page does not account for the jump in ad revenue. For example, yesterday the Parker County Peach Festival only made $5.89, while the total for the day, of my websites and blogs, was $92.94.

It's very perplexing.

I choose not to think about it and go swimming instead.

But, before I do that I must mention that yesterday the temperature forecast high for today was 99. Overnight this has changed to today's scheduled high being 106. With a Heat Index real feel of 107. This is going to make for a HOT Parker County Peach Festival. Likely straining the ability of the misters to cool the festival goers.

1 comment:

  1. When I see a number like that, the "F" ain't meaning Fahrenheit.

    I am practically prostrated with this heat. I would have offered to take you to the Peach Festival, but I would have stayed in the running car and you would have had to bring me peach juleps and alligator on a stick as I fanned myself in front of the AC. (Two can play at this game of talking about going somewhere and then not going.) I like peaches but I don't like 'em 106 degrees worth.
