Friday, July 8, 2011

My Thermometer Tells Me We Have Hit 105 This Friday At My Location In Texas

Well, as you see, via my computer temperature monitoring device at a half hour before 5, we have reached the highest temperature so far this year.


But feeling like only 102. Due to the Wind Chill Factor, I guess, canceling the humidity, due to 9 mph winds.

I have noticed the A/C seems to be running almost non-stop. My power bill was only $66 last month. I suspect this month's bill will be higher.

Currently, at my former location in Mount Vernon, Washington, it is 63 degrees, with a passing shower or two.

On July 20 of 2008 I flew to Seattle from Love Field in Dallas. When I left it was over 100 here, when I arrived in Seattle it was in the 50s.

I've mentioned before that I shivered until I returned to Texas. Actually, for more reasons than just the temperature.

1 comment:

  1. According to Weather Underground, it hit 109 in Hurst and Colleyville. I guess that explains why I didn't bother getting any hot coffee on the way home...
