Saturday, July 9, 2011

This Coming Thursday Rockin' the Green Trinity River's Happy Hour Inner Tubing Party

The ad on the left, advertising the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Live on the Trinity Inner Tube Happy Hour is in this week's Fort Worth Weekly.

The River Rockin' takes place the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the summer months of June, July and August.

This means this coming Thursday is another Trinity River Inner Tubing Happy Hour day.

I saw the Trinity River yesterday as I drove over the bridge heading east on Randol Mill Road. The river has turned a very interesting shade of green.

Did the 2nd Rockin' the River Inner Tubing Happy Hour see an increase or decrease in the number of floaters?

Is the Trinity River turning green due to the water warming up, due to the HOT weather, causing algae and other bad stuff to grow?

You reading this in the Pacific Northwest and wondering why anyone would have concerns about inner tubing in a river, well, the Trinity River is not like pristine Pacific Northwest rivers. It is more like a ditch or a slough.

In the Pacific Northwest context, going inner tubing in the Trinity River would be like going inner tubing in the Straits of Juan de Fuca off the coast of Victoria, British Columbia. With the Straits of Juan de Fuca being a waterway in which Victoria pumps raw, untreated sewage.

However, if you went inner tubing in the Straits of Juan de Fuca, off the coast of Victoria, the polluted water would be your only thing to look out for. You would not be sharing the water with scary fish like alligator gar. Or actual alligators. Or snapping turtles. Or snakes like water moccasins.

What is the reason the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle has added Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats to its vision? How much do the Happy Hours cost? Is the cost being covered completely by the sponsors?

Are J.D. Granger and his mom, Kay, going to be in the Trinity River on Thursday? If not, why not?


  1. This week it'll be more like Trinity River Hot Tubbing.

  2. I read somewhere that J.D. Granger walks around the river banks and schmoozes with people about his mom's vision. has pics of both Rockin the River events and they look like fun. doesn't stink like their parent company, the Star-Telegram.

  3. There's a picture of Betsy Price at the FW Fourth, ON the river bank, not IN the river.

  4. Though I understand your political stance, please refrain from commenting gars, gators and snakes do not belong in our ecosystem. They do. They won't hurt you. Treat them with respect to ensure others do. They are part of the food chain.
    Your disdain for such creatures is an attitude found in the very same people you purport to disagree with (yes, end, with a preposition). For all your meanderings, you steadfastly refuse to learn and appreciate the basic naturalism inherent in your outings. This disturbs my greatly. We do not live in a Pacific Northwest ecosystem

  5. Disturbed 3rd Anonymous, I don't believe I indicated gars, gator and snakes do not belong in the ecosystem. Nor do I believe I've indicated any disdain for such creatures. This does not mean I am enamored of the idea of going swimming with them.
