Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Hiking The Semi-HOT Tandy Hills With CatsPaw Prostrate In HEAT

Yesterday by the time I was done with my Tandy Hills hill hiking I was such a HOT wet mess I was thinking I needed to find some other source of outdoor aerobic endorphin stimulation til the air gets the high humidity out of its system.

But, creature of habit that I be, I went back to the Tandy Hills again today. I knew it would not be a repeat of yesterday's sweat-a-thon, due to the temperature not even being in the 90s when I headed to the hills.

It is only 93 right now, coming up on 4. I do not believe the predicted high of 106 will be reached today.

As you can see in the picture it was a bit cloudy when I did my hill meandering. The clouds make a nice buffer between me and the HOT sun. Thus the cooler temps.

And then for about the last half mile of hill hiking I was getting hit with big refreshing drops of rain. I wanted the rain to go into downpour mode, but it did not. Not til I was in line to checkout of Town Talk. And that downpour did not last til I was out of the store.

CatsPaw made an amusing comment to a blogging earlier today regarding the predicted high of 106 degrees Fahrenheit and taking me to the Parker County Peach Festival.

CatsPaw commented....

When I see a number like that, the "F" ain't meaning Fahrenheit. I am practically prostrated with this heat. I would have offered to take you to the Peach Festival, but I would have stayed in the running car and you would have had to bring me peach juleps and alligator on a stick as I fanned myself in front of the AC. (Two can play at this game of talking about going somewhere and then not going.) I like peaches but I don't like 'em 106 degrees worth.

Til CatsPaw pointed it out to me, I did not realize I do have a tendency to talk about going somewhere and then not going there. I will take this up with my therapist, Dr. L.C., at our next session.

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