Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Arrogance Of Seismic Testing

I have mentioned previously being a bit perplexed by all the Barnett Shale Seismic Testing cable that has been strewn all over East Fort Worth.

I've wondered how permission is granted to run the cable across streets and resident's property.

And then last week, on the east side of the Tandy Hills, I saw a phalanx of trucks like you see in the picture, making an incredibly loud racket. I wondered at the time what this was like for the people in their homes a short distance from the racket makers.

Well, today Don Young emailed me, and others, an open letter to City Councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks, she being the councilwoman representing the district in which the Tandy Hills lies.

Included in the email were three pictures with captions. The caption for the above photo was "Heavy industry invades my neighborhood: Meadowbrook Drive @ Sanderson, FW, TX, July 2011."

Below is Don Young's letter to Fort Worth City Councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks and below that, two more photos with captions....

Dear Councilwoman Kathleen Hicks-

My neighbors and I are very concerned about a massive seismic testing operation/experiment currently underway in our neighborhoods. Dawson Geophysical, a subcontractor for the private, for-profit companies, Chesapeake and XTO Energy, are using public streets and ROW's to gather seismic data from a vast area.

They are also gathering this data from under private property for their own, for-profit uses. Many of us did not give permission for Dawson to gather this data from under our properties. You wrote in a message to the West Meadowbrook NA on July 8 that, quote, "If a City property has not been leased, no seismic testing is allowed." Please explain why testing is allowed under our private property without permission and how sound waves can distinguish leased from un-leased property.

You also wrote that, quote. "... properties are protected against damage." Will you please provide a detailed plan on how public and private property will be protected from damages. What is your plan for compensation in cases where damage occurs in the near and long-term?

As our council representative for District 8, we request that you provide scientific documentation proving seismic testing is safe for people, wildlife, pets and sub-surface life forms, both short and long term and in an urban environment - that it will not cause hearing loss, discomfort, brain hemorrhage or other biological or psychological impacts to humans and other life forms.

Additionally, we request documentation that proves seismic testing will not harm slab foundations, public streets, sidewalks, plumbing, sprinkler systems, utilities, septic systems, water wells, electronic devices and other public and private property in any way including, causing subsidence, cracks, wear and tear or any other negative impacts.

We also request proof that our homeowners' insurance will not be impacted in any way by seismic testing including, increased rates or reduced liability coverage.

It is essential that this documentation come from an independent, third-party, peer-reviewed source and not from the gas drilling industry, City of FW or any other party who benefits financially from drilling or seismic testing. It is important that the document demonstrate that such testing is safe in an urban environment and has been monitored for a period of at least five years. It is imperative that this proof be provided in a timely manner since the City has already issued permits and testing is underway.

You may be aware that a sizable number of property owners within the seismic testing area did NOT sign a mineral lease. Many who did sign regret signing for various reasons or believe they did so under duress or without all the facts. Others rightfully believe they were misled by or lied to by land-men working for the same companies now doing the seismic testing. Still others doubt the City did due diligence before allowing seismic testing putting an unfair burden on the residents of FW.

In fact, the City did not require environmental testing prior to allowing drilling to proceed by ordinance. City Attorney, Sarah Fullenwider, stated publicly in 2006 that, because the State does not require environmental impact assessments the City would not require them either. Ongoing research indicates that urban and rural drilling is dangerous to public health, safety, the environment and can reduce property value and marketability.

Because the City did not see fit to require independent environmental impact assessments for drilling, pipelines and other NG production in an urban setting and in ALL zoning classes, how can we expect they did so for seismic testing?

We need answers from you in order to protect ourselves, our pets and property. If you cannot provide the documents requested within one weeks time, we expect an immediate halt to all seismic testing on public property until such evidence is available that proves testing is safe.

Don Young

 You can feel them coming from blocks away. They stop about every 50' to "thump" the ground.

The vibrations from the giant "foot" on all three vehicles literally shakes the teeth in your head when applied to the street.

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