Monday, July 18, 2011

Up Early On The 3rd Monday Of July In Texas With A Full Moon, Earthquakes & Incoming Thunder

I stepped outside with my morning coffee libation on this 3rd Monday of July and looked skyward to see a clear sky with a bright white round orb glowing above me.

A full moon. Almost.

Is the almost full moon the cause of yesterday's rare North Texas earthquake that shook the ground with a 3.0 magnitude quake epicentered about 13 miles west of Waxahachie early Sunday morning?

Most likely the moon had nothing to do with the earth quaking. Were there any Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers in the area of the quake?

Changing the subject from earthquakes to my favorite subject. Sports.

Do the Texas Rangers and the Seattle Mariners play any other teams than each other? It seems every morning, for weeks now, I click on the Seattle P-I to see that the Texas Rangers have defeated the Seattle Mariners in yet one more baseball game. The Seattle Mariners must have the worst record in baseball history.

Yesterday's temperature prediction for today was 99. Giving us hope of a break from yet one more day over 100. But. This morning the temperature prediction for today has been increased 2 degrees, to 101. With a Real Feel Heat Index of 106. With a possible Thunderstorm late in the day possibly dropping some much needed moisture on these parched parts of the planet.

I guess I will go swimming now, before the lightning starts striking.

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