Monday, July 18, 2011

A Drought Resistant Wildflower Of Yellow Color Has Sprouted On The Tandy Hills

Due to the Texas Drought and day after day of temperatures over 100 degrees, the Tandy Hills Prairie is in full wilt mode.

Yet somehow, today, in multiple locations on the Tandy Hills, the bright yellow wildflower, you see in the picture, and its siblings, have bloomed.

Is this some sort of drought resistant flower which blooms when triggered by extremely dry conditions? I don't know.

What I do know is the bright yellow flower matched my own personal sunny disposition on this particular day.

It was 92 with a Real Feel Heat Index of 101 when I left air-conditioned comfort today. Upon my return it is now 96 with a supposed Real Feel Heat Index of 111.

I did not over heat on the hills today. A breeze was blowing. I think the humidity must be being lower, thus making the HEAT easier to tolerate.

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