Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Am Thinking About Going To Oklahoma & Noodling For Some Catfish In Murky Water

Big Ed sent me a link to an article in NewsOK, that being an Oklahoma news website, about "How to get started in Noodling."

The article about Noodling had a video about Noodling.

I read the article and watched the video and I still don't think I know what Noodling is, besides having to do with catching a catfish. With your bare hands. I think.

Noodling, whatever it is, is legal in Oklahoma, but with very strict guidelines. And some Oklahoma lakes allow no Noodling.

If you are found to be in the possession of hooks, gaffs, spears, poles or ropes, while Noodling, you can find yourself being fined.

After watching the below video I wondered if maybe the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle should maybe add Noodling to its Happy Hour Trinity River Inner Tube Floats....

1 comment:

  1. If you go noodling, Durango, be very careful what one of these guys latches onto.

    I hope the visionaries at the Trinity River Vision Boondoogle do incorporate some noodling into the inner tube float ventures.

    No telling what participants might catch or be caught by.
