Monday, July 11, 2011

Tandy Hills Hiking & Other Miscellaneous Top Texas Blog Aggravations

As you can see, I was back in the Tandy Hills Jungle today, but I was not rendered a HOT mess, due to the temperature not being over 100.

For weeks now there was been a hardy purple wildflower, on a long stem, still coloring up the Tandy Hills. But, today the hardy purple wildflowers were in full wilt mode.

I don't do that phone texting thing. I mean, I do not send text messages. I do get them. But, unless I am near my phone when one of those text messages comes in, I do not know of its existence.

This morning I was near my phone when it made the text message noise. It was a message trying to sell me something. But then I saw that on June 26 my oldest nephew text messaged me saying he was disappointed I did not come to his restaurant in Anacortes that weekend. For some reason there were a few people in Washington who thought I was in state. When I wasn't.

This afternoon I discovered a fresh annoyance that is aggravating me. A website called Texas Top Blogs is taking the content from my blog, without permission.

Go to and you'll see what is aggravating me.

This website claims you have to submit your blog and ask to be on Texas Top Blogs. I have never submitted my blog to this website.

The Texas Top Blog, in its FAQ, says this...

You will also need to place our banner prominently on your blog, in an original dimension and with link to our site. The banner should appear on all pages of your blog, not only at home page or only at internal pages. The placement of the banner on your blog is periodically checked. If a later check reveals that our banner was removed, your blog will not resubmitted to our site ever again.

They provide code for the referenced banner. I do not have this banner on my blog. So, by the criteria stated, they should remove my blog, which I have never submitted to this Texas Top Blogs website. It is rather galling that they demand a link back to their website, when there are no links back to my blog from their website.

I saw Texas Sharon's Blue Daze blog is also on the Texas Top Blogs website.

Am I not understanding something here? Am I wrong to find this aggravating and annoying?

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