Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Up Early The Second Tuesday Of July Thinking About Shocking The Trinity River & Betsy Price

I was up before the sun on this second Tuesday of July, but I did not look out my primary viewing portal on the world til the sun began lighting up the outdoor world.

I will not be visiting that blue oasis you see through the window this morning. The pool got its weekly shock treatment Monday afternoon. When the temperatures are over 100, day after day, the pool needs help to stay crystal clear.

I wonder if the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle has plans to shock the Trinity River prior to Thursday's third Rockin' the River Inner Tube Happy Hour Float of the summer?

Speaking of Rockin' the River, why was Thursday, a school/workweek night, picked as the day for  Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats? Rather than Friday or Saturday?

I read this morning that Texas lost 358 million gallons of water from the state's lakes in June. That sounds like an awful lot of water. The drought is currently being one of the worst in Texas history.

Continuing with the water, Rockin' the River theme, I got a very odd comment from the Ubiquitous Anonymous yesterday to a blogging a few days ago about Rockin' the River....

Though I understand your political stance, please refrain from commenting gars, gators and snakes do not belong in our ecosystem. They do. They won't hurt you. Treat them with respect to ensure others do. They are part of the food chain. Your disdain for such creatures is an attitude found in the very same people you purport to disagree with (yes, end, with a preposition). For all your meanderings, you steadfastly refuse to learn and appreciate the basic naturalism inherent in your outings. This disturbs my greatly. We do not live in a Pacific Northwest ecosystem .

I feel real bad about disturbing Anonymous greatly, but I don't recollect ever suggesting gars, gators and snakes do not belong in our ecosystem. I may have suggested, sort of, that inner tubers don't belong in a river where gars, gators and snakes try and make a living.

Also, I was not aware I have a political stance. I was aware that in my current location in Texas we do not live in a Pacific Northwest ecosystem.

On a non-water note, today Fort Worth is celebrating the installation of a new mayor, with Betsy Price replacing Mike Moncrief. I have a good feeling that Betsy Price is going to be a much better mayor than her predecessor. Eternal optimist that I be.

Today is my weekly take it easy day. This should have me cranky from endorphin withdrawal by about 10 this morning.

1 comment:

  1. politics (World dictionary) the complex or aggregate of relationships of people in society, esp those relationships involving authority or power.

    You engage in politics; most of us do. It's a great pastime, often productive. Do not be ashamed.

    I hold firm in that one of your ongoing arguments against the Trinity River Vision is that no sane person would set foot in the Trinity and risk exposure to pathogens, gators, gars & snakes. You risk a greater exposure to pathogens in your daily swimming pool dip. Crypto organisms. Look at the CDC. As to the rest, I'm a big fan of gators, gars & snakes Your fears should be directed toward the survival of these species not their eradication.
    Take a kayak/canoe trip between Beach Street and Q Parker Park sometimes. Read John Graves "Goodbye to a River." You might be captivated.
