Monday, July 11, 2011

The Second Monday Of July In Texas Thinking About Dead Horses And The Hotpepper & Jones TV Show

The second Monday of July is starting off chilled to a relatively cool 79 degrees. Heading to a scheduled high of 103.

That blue oasis I see through the bars of my patio prison cell is looking particularly inviting this morning.

I learned this morning that I likely will be heading to Paradise this coming Thursday.

The last time I was at Paradise was August 11 of 2008. That time Paradise was in Mount Rainier National Park.

In the incoming email this morning there was an amusing comment from a cow telling me she was a dead horse who no longer needs to be beaten.  I don't think that is a dead horse's call to make.

Another amusing comment was made in reference to myself and Elsie Hotpepper renting machine guns for an upcoming caper. The Anonymous commenter said, "Hotpepper & Jones sounds like a bad 1970s TV cop show."

I think it should be Jones & Hotpepper.

I think I'll go swimming now and ponder my upcoming Hotpepper caper.

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