Friday, July 15, 2011

The North Texas Hippie Revival With Gar The Texan's Notorious Mullet

I only of late learned to pay attention to the ads in Fort Worth Weekly.

I learned to pay attention because I discovered the ads can be funny, goofy, tasteless, bizarre and sometimes informative.

In the goofy/funny/bizarre category is the ad for a hair cutting business in Fort Worth called Salon 70.

I was shocked to recognize the guy in the photo to be Gar the Texan back in his mullet days.

I wonder how much Gar the Texan is getting paid for allowing his likeness to be used in this manner?

Gar the Texan continued with this particular peculiar hairstyle well after I first met him. Though at that point in time he was no longer coloring his mullet blond.

I did not notice a Condom Sense tasteless ad in this week's Fort Worth Weekly. It was likely there, with me failing to notice it.

A few years back something someone said to me caused me to wonder if the Hippie Era of the 60s at all penetrated into the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex Zone. Was it Don Young saying he was kicked out of school for being a long-haired weirdo who refused to get a haircut? I don't remember.

Well, there is an ad in this week's Fort Worth Weekly for a store in Arlington called Feed Your Head.

Feed Your Head claims it is "Your Hippie Revival Headquarters."

Feed You Head has a website. Hippies never had websites.

By the time the Hippie Era ended, longer and longer hair had become accepted by most. And then, by the 80s, what had been a counter-culture type thing, regarding hair, had morphed into things like mullets, where the un-cool tried to be cool by getting what they thought was a cool cut. A mullet.

So, this ad has me wondering anew, did the Hippie Era intrude at all into the D/FW zone? Was there a D/FW equivalent of Haight-Ashbury?

I suspect not.

Fads take awhile to reach these parts. And to leave these parts. Just today, on my drive back from Arlington, I saw two instances of clueless fools thinking they were cool by having their pants hanging low, below their underwear. This fad died a long, long time ago in the more trendsetting zones of America.

How much longer is this fad going to live on in North Texas? It is both perplexing and pathetic. On the plus side, Gar the Texan has not had a mullet for almost a decade. And he quit wearing droopy drawers at least 5 years ago.

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