Saturday, July 16, 2011

The 3rd Saturday Of July Dawns Bright North Of The Heart Of Texas

As you can see, looking skyward through the bars of my patio prison cell, the 3rd Saturday of July has dawned with yet one more blue sky day. With a few clouds.

This morning is starting chillier than yesterday's morning, with the temperature currently 81, heading to a scheduled high of 104, with a Real Feel Heat Index of 110.

Yesterday, according to my computer temperature monitoring device, we got to 105. I do not remember what the Real Feel Heat Index was when we got to 105.

I am appalled that half of July is already gone. Soon it will be August. Then September. Then Winter, with ice storms and snow.

I guess I should enjoy the heat while it lasts and go swimming this morning. And hike the Tandy Hills under the noonday sun til I push myself to the brink of a heatstroke collapse. And then go to Town Talk to get sushi.

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