Friday, July 15, 2011

Escaping The Blistering Texas Heat Walking In the Shaded Wildscape Of Arlington's Veterans Park

I had to go to beautiful downtown Arlington today to renew my vehicle license. I realized yesterday I'd forgotten to do this.

I got to the vehicle license renewal location and took a number. While I waited for my number to be called, I called my mom and finally got mom on the phone, after many tries, on many days, so I could hear mom and dad's tale of the Great Phoenix Dust Storm.

Unlike my sister, mom and dad were not taken by surprise by the Dust Storm. They'd heard warnings on TV. Mom said they are still cleaning up the aftermath.

Since I was in Arlington I decided to go walk in the shady Veterans Park Wildscape. To get from the parking lot to the shaded Wildscape one has to walk a distance in open area totally exposed to the blistering sun. That exposure started up the overheating process.

Even though I was mostly in the shade I suffered the drenching wet phenomenon that I don't remember happening in Texas summers of the past. Maybe this is happening because I am so grossly overweight and no longer the skinny boy I used to be.

The shaded trails of the Veterans Park Wildscape are a bit of a maze. Parts of the trail are boardwalks. There are critters in the shade. I saw my first lizard of the year. And heard a squirrel having some sort of emotional crisis.

As you can see, at a few minutes after 3, this Friday afternoon, we have hit 103. I suspect it was nearly 100 when I walked in the shaded Veterans Park Wildscape.

My old home location in the Skagit Valley of Washington is currently naturally air-conditioned to a chilly 66. At my current location in the Trinity Valley of Texas I am currently unnaturally air-conditioned to a semi-chilly 82. With ceiling fans spinning.

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